A young(ish) opera singer's random thoughts and observations.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Counting down

Day 29 - Monday

Morning: no lie in today, we're called for a Czech language coaching at 10am. Actually it's more of a crash course, as the entire company is there and we only have 45 minutes. Still, we get a useful hand-out and I now have the basic vowel and consonant sounds on my dictaphone. Funnily, when we split into smaller groups to practice speaking using a sheet with standard phrases, I end up with Alex, who is of Ukrainian descent, so we both switch between Czech and our native languages. All in all, a pleasantly Slavic morning, if a tad on the early side.

Afternoon: we work through notes from last night's run of Lillian Alling. Another tiring session in the theatre, with most of the time spent sitting around waiting to be called, most of us feeling under-energised. Luckily the dress rehearsal is tomorrow, so with opening night in sight we're sure to pick up some adrenaline and get back some of the excitement that drives us on stage. The tiredness we're feeling is normal: these notes sessions and technical runs of tricky blocking are normal at this stage of production, everyone knows they can expect a lot of sitting around and waiting, so don't get me wrong: I'm not complaining, it's just that knowing how it works doesn't make it any less draining.

Some memorable quotes and motifs from the past 4 weeks

Evening: Cosi fan tutte stage & orchestra. Nothing thrilling to report, just a lot of backstage time either working on our next individual projects, relaxing with a book, standard banter or singing along with the PA feedback from the stage.

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